COVID-19 Employer Playbook

COVID-19 Impact Due to the urgent crisis the United States is facing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the President has declared a national emergency, as well as declared major disasters in California, Washington, New York, Iowa, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. Federal and state governments have passed legislation and issued executive orders in an effort to protect and encourage the health and well-being of individuals. As employers work to understand and comply with the requirements of the new legislation and guidance, they have no choice but to be flexible and adept in implementing the additional programs and practices. Purpose of the Employer Playbook The purpose of this Employer Playbook is to provide an easy to read, comprehensive overview of key issues facing employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers are being deluged with unique business pressures, new legislation, changed work arrangements due to Shelter-in-Place orders, financial stressors, as well as a host of valid employee questions about their work and their futures. In the face of this reality, our goal is to calm some of the storm by providing a reference resource encompassing all things COVID-19 for employers. Continually Updated Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic itself, the pace with which information is changing, and the extremely fluid legislative environment where actual regulations have yet to be promulgated, this Employer Playbook will be continually changing. It will be updated as additional information, clarification, and guidance becomes available. While every effort has been made toward complete accuracy, please check back regularly for updates reflecting ongoing clarifications and corrections. In addition, federal agencies are moving quickly to expand their resources in response to the needs of employers and employees, particularly with respect to the new sick and family leave mandates. While this is a lot to digest, there is more to come (including another round of legislation), so employers will want to quickly identify the questions and issues that are most relevant to their situation and prepare for future guidance and legislation. Not Legal Advice This Employer Playbook expressly does not provide legal advice. Neither does it purport to include every detail and nuance for all of the topics covered. If formal legal advice is required, please consult your employment or benefits attorney.


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